Chris Riley-Tillman

  • Joanne H. Hook Dean's Chair in Educational Renewal
  • Professor

Dr. Riley-Tillman is Dean of the College of Education & Human Development. He holds the Joanne H. Hook Dean’s Chair in Educational Renewal, and is a Professor in the Department of Educational, School & Counseling Psychology. He previously served as Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness. He is one of the co-developers of Direct Behavior Ratings as well as a recognized authority in evidence-based practice in schools and the application of experimental design and analysis in applied educational settings. Related to these interests, Dr. Riley-Tillman has participated in leadership roles on seven federal grants and is a Senior Advisor for the National Center on Intensive Intervention. He is also the creator and lead developer of the Evidence Based Intervention Network, a nonprofit website which contains evidence-based intervention and assessment resources for educational professionals developed by researchers. In 2016 the EBI Network had over 400,000 page views by over 59,500 unique users. He has published over 80 journal articles and 6 books on social behavior assessment, school wide service delivery, and single case design. In addition, he is the Acting Editor of the Practical Interventions in Schools book series for Guilford Press. Finally, he is a Fellow of Division 16 of the American Psychological Association and a member of the Society for the Study of School Psychology.

Areas of Expertise

  • Promoting Evidence Based Practice in Schools (
  • Development and validation of assessment and intervention methodologies which are both empirically supported and feasible
  • Applied Single Case Design
  • Consultation and School-wide Problem Solving Models