Anna Berkbuegler

  • Pre-ETS Specialist

Anna Berkbuegler is a University of Missouri Pre-ETS Specialist serving students in Madison, Washington, Reynolds, Iron, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve and Perry Counties. She has a Master of Arts in Exceptional Child Education with 28+ years of experience providing educational transition opportunities for youth with special learning challenges. She looks forward to working with school district staff and students to assure the best possible outcomes for students. She is a resident of Perry County and is committed to making a positive difference in the region by creating opportunities for students to grow as they transition from school to work and community life.

Anna serves the following school districts:  Arcadia Valley; Bismarck; Farmington; Fredricktown; Kingston; Lesterville; Marquand; Park Hills Central; Perryville; Potosi; South Iron; St. Vincent (Perryville); Ste. Genevieve; Valley Caledonia; and West St. Francois County.