If your organization is interested in a workshop focusing on Evidence Based Interventions or associated topics, contact Dr. Riley-Tillman at rileytillmant@missouri.edu. Workshops are typically full day (5-6 hours) but can be customized to the needs of an organization.

Examples of available workshops:

What is an Evidence Based Intervention? Choosing and Implementing Academic and Behavior Interventions That Work

While the term “evidence based intervention” or EBI for short is used throughout the educational literature, there has been limited discussion with teachers, administrators and parents about what EBI actually are. In addition, where to find “the list” of EBI seems to be rather elusive to most educational professionals. This workshop will review what EBI are across the tiers of educational service and specifically focus on Tier II and III interventions that can be used in the home or classroom. In addition, the Evidence Based Intervention Network will be incorporated in the workshop so that all participants take home a warehouse of intervention techniques to use in their daily practice.

As a result of this workshop participate will:

  • Obtain a strong understanding of EBI
  • Learn the key issues when selecting an EBI for a specific case
  • Learn how to embed EBI in a schoolwide problem solving process (e.g. RTI)
  • Have access to intervention resources to use after the the workshop

The EBI Network and RTI Applications, Volume 1: Academic and Behavioral Interventions are related to this workshop.

Beyond CBM: Behavior Assessment Options for Measuring a Child’s Response to Intervention

As schoolwide problem solving models such as Response to Intervention become more commonly implemented in school the need for a variety of formative assessment methods is quickly increasing. It is typical to hear a teacher or administrator correctly comment, “Curriculum Based Measurement can’t use used for all topics”! One area where there is a particular dearth in options is formative behavior assessment. This is concerning in that behavior problems are one of the most commonly cited reasons for teacher frustration. This workshop will outline the core features of problem solving assessment to outline the many options for collecting data in the schools to fuel an RTI model. This workshop will focus specifically to help participants to consider a range of behavior assessment options with a specific focus on the use of Direct Behavior Ratings (commonly known as Daily Behavior report Cards) for screening and progress monitoring purposes. DBR are a flexible and feasible method of formative behavior assessment with an extensive supportive research based. The workshop will focus on training participants to rate accurately using DBR, and how to use the method and outcome data in their daily practice to monitor a child response to behavioral interventions.

As a result of this workshop participates will:

  • Obtain a strong understanding the core elements of problem solving assessment
  • Learn the key issues when selecting an assessment approach for a specific case
  • Learn about a variety of behavior assessment options with specific focus on Direct Behavior Rating
  • Have access to assessment resources to use after the workshop

The Direct Behavior Rating website and School-Based Behavioral Assessment: Informing Intervention and Instruction are related to this workshop.

Evaluating Educational Interventions: Using Single Case Design to Measure a Child’s Response to Intervention

For Response to Intervention to work it is critical that educational professionals can truly document a child’s response to evidence based intervention. While this standard is not typically outlined in books and workshops on RTI, the technology is readily available. This workshop reviews methods of intervention scheduling, graphing and data analysis so that teacher, administrators and other educational professions can confidently make statements about how a child is responding to interventions. At the end of the workshop participants will be prepared to consider intervention results and correctly interpret a child response, or lack of response.

As a result of this workshop participates will:

  • Obtain a strong understanding the core elements of RTI as related to making decisions about a child’s response to intervention
  • Describe the relationship between evidence intervention, assessment and design/analysis in RTI
  • Learn the “nuts and bots” of applied single case design
  • Learn about graphing and visual analysis procedures which allow for the documentation of a child’s response to intervention
  • Describe how to make defensible decisions about a child’s response to intervention in a RTI model
The EBI Network, Evaluating Educational Interventions: Single-Case Design for Measuring Response to Intervention and RTI Applications, Volume 2: Assessment, Design and Decision Making are related to this workshop.