Reading interventions for situations where the student has not had enough help doing the task

Error Monitoring Strategies
A student creates a written passage (or is given one) and is asked to use an error monitoring strategy to practice fluency (production) and accuracy (editing skills). Error monitoring strategies enable learners to attempt increase accuracy during independent work without the need for one-on-one instruction. Error monitoring strategies can be generalized to other subject areas, like math (e.g. PEMDAS) or reading comprehension (e.g. CROP-QVS).  
  • Full Intervention Brief: Error Monitoring Strategies
  • Evidence Brief: Error Monitoring Strategies EB
  • Modeling Video: Video 1
    Incremental Rehearsal

    A student is presented with flashcards containing unknown items added in to a group of known items. Presenting known information along with unknown allows for high rates of success and can increase retention of the newly learned items, behavioral momentum and resulting time on task. Research shows that this technique can be used with sight/vocabulary words, simple math facts, letter names, and survival words/signs.In addition, this technique could be used for other facts, such as state capitals or the meanings of prefixes or suffixes, etc.



    Keyword Mnemonics

    Mnemonics are strategies and techniques that aid in memory.  A mnemonic keyword connects a new vocabulary word to students’ prior knowledge by using a visual depicting the definition to the new vocabulary word.  New vocabulary terms are introduced through a similar sounding word (keyword).  This keyword is illustrated in such a way that the keyword interacts with critical attributes of the definition of the new word.  Lastly, a sentence is created to connect the keyword to the new definition.

    Common Core Standards: Varied

    Setting: Whole Class, Small Group, Individual

    Focus Area: Acquisition, Fluency and Generalization

    Full Brief Link

    Listening Passage Preview

    Listening Passage Preview is an intervention that can be used to increase the accuracy with which students read. It is design to increase reading fluency, but focuses more on the accuracy than the rate with which students read. The teacher or interventionist reads the previously selected passage aloud for as the student follows along. While the passage is being read through the first time, the student(s) is instructed to follow along. Once the reading has been completed, the student will then read the same passage aloud. This intervention can be conducted one on one, or in a small-group setting by having the teacher read aloud then partnering children to read aloud to one another. Although the intervention is called Listening Passage Preview, it is probably best to read only two sentences at a time rather than the entire passage.

    EBI Brief for the Listening Passage Preview

    Partner Reading

    A fluent reader (Partner 1) is paired with a less fluent reader (Partner 2). Partner 1 reads the material to model fluent reading. Then, Partner 2 reads the material and Partner 1 corrects any errors made. This should be conducted for about 30-35 minutes 3 times per week.


    Reading Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS)

    Reading PALS is a whole-class peer-tutoring program that can be used with students from kindergarten through sixth grade and in high school. Students work on grade-level reading skills. The focus in kindergarten and first grade is on word recognition and fluency. The emphasis in second through sixth grade and in high school is fluency and reading comprehension. The PALS model allows for students to practice reading skills with immediate feedback and to have extensive reading practice.

    Reciprocal Teaching

    Reciprocal Teaching is an instructional approach designed to enhance student comprehension of text. Students engage in group discussion using four strategies: summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting.

    The summarizer highlights the key ideas within the text. The questioner will ask questions based on uncertainties within the text or in connection to other ideas or texts previously discussed. The clarifier will address confusing aspects of the texts and try to answer questions posed by the questioner. The predictor will make guesses on what the upcoming text is about based on the title of the story, storyline, pictures, foreshadowing, etc.

    EBI Brief for the Reciprocal Teaching

    Tutoring Buddy

    Tutoring Buddy Letter Sounds (TBLS) is a computer-aided teaching tool designed to teach letter sound correspondence using incremental rehearsal. The program has been used successfully with children between the ages of 4 and 6. Using TBLS interventionists preform a brief assessment of letter sound knowledge and the software selects known and unknown letters for instruction. TBLS is a multi-purpose tool. It can be used to:

    1. Identify students who would most benefit from supplemental instruction (screening takes about 1 minute per student on average)
    2. Teach letter-sound correspondence effectively and efficiently (on average 5 minutes per session)
    3. Monitor student response to the intervention- progress-monitoring data is collected and charted automatically.
    4. Inform instruction by showing teachers which letter sounds are known by none, some, and all students.

    Setting: Individual

    Focus Area: Acquisition and Fluency

    EBI Brief Template Tutoring Buddy

    Tutoring Buddy Evidence Brief